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Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum E

The New Rules of Web-App and API-Security

In this session we will outline the new rules that should define your web application and API security.

calendar_today Tue, 25.10.2022, 10:30 - 10:45

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Cloud Security Mobile Security



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The demands for your online presence are changing - customers expect personalized, fast experiences and secure interactions.

Companies react by scaling their infrastructure to remain competitive, but this also makes them more vulnerable to attackers that are smarter than ever before. As a result, Dev, Sec and Ops teams are often struggling to keep up. In this session we will outline the new rules that should define your web application and API security.

We will discuss:
- The new security considerations today’s agile environment demands.
- 4 rules to follow in assessing your current security solution.
- How to mitigate security threats more effectively.

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Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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