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it-sa 365 Teaser
IT Security Talks Stream I

Risk-based access control - balancing act between security and convenience

Master the balancing act between security and convenience: with risk-based access control from the cloud

calendar_today Tue, 15.06.2021, 15:00 - 15:15

event_available Digital

Action Video


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Identity and access management


This action is part of the event IT Security Talks

Action Video

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Digital identities are fundamental to our interaction with others and with the online world. If we can prove who we are, we gain control over systems and access to information. But how do you protect yourself and your business without overburdening your users? The customer experience is a critical competitive factor today, and those who treat their customers like cybercriminals end up hurting their own bottom line. But even within your own company, it is important to make internal workflows as smooth and efficient as possible - if possible without noticeable limitations due to complex authentication procedures. Learn more in the presentation by Mathis Landzettel-Doré about the balance between risk, security and user comfort in the management of digital identities. ... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


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