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Header of Intervalid GmbH
Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum A

Step by Step to Your Information Security Management System (ISMS)

How can you easily set up an information security management system (ISMS)?

calendar_today Tue, 22.10.2024, 12:00 - 12:15

event_available On site

place Hall 6, Booth 6-215

Action description





Legislation, standards, regulations Governance, Riskmanagement and Compliance

Key Facts

  • ISMS Implementation using software
  • BCM Implementation using software
  • NIS-2 Ready


This action is part of the event Forums it-sa Expo

Action description

With the adoption of the NIS-2 guideline, the importance of an ISMS for companies has further increased. The NIS-2 Directive aims to strengthen cybersecurity in the EU and increase resilience to cyber threats.

The basis is an ISMS that promotes continuous monitoring, review, and improvement of cybersecurity measures. This helps organizations adapt to new threats and technological developments and continually optimize their security practices.

The implementation of an ISMS in a company takes place step by step.
The first step is to select the appropriate guideline or standard that describes all relevant measures of an ISMS, such as ISO 27001, BSI IT-Grundschutz, VDA ISA, CISIS12, or VdS1000. An ISMS according to these standards is therefore the cornerstone for NIS-2.

For the implementation of the measures, guidelines and descriptions of the methodology are created and made available to employees in the company. In the second step, all assets (values in the company) are collected and recorded in a structured manner. Assets with a high need for protection for the company are identified. This forms the basis for risk management. Information security risks are identified here, and potential threats and vulnerabilities are proactively recognized, evaluated, and treated.

An ISMS includes additional processes for continuously monitoring, reviewing, and improving information security measures. The focus is on dealing with security incidents, carrying out internal and external audits, planning training for employees, and emergency planning. This helps to constantly increase the level of security and respond to new threats and challenges.

With Intervalid ISMS, companies receive a secure solution to easily implement the complex topic of information security. Attend our lecture to find out more about the digital implementation of an ISMS and how you can make your company more secure!
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Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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