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Halle 7 / Standnummer 7-353

ASGARD Analysis Cockpit








Managed Security Services Mobile Security Netzwerk-Sicherheit RZ-Sicherheit Cloud (Computing) Security Endgerätesicherheit Intrusion Detection / Prevention Penetrationstests Risikoanalyse / Risikomanagement Schwachstellen- und Patch-Management Sicherheitsmanagement SIEM Security Inforamtion and Event Management APT-Schutz Bedrohungsanalysen Compliance/GRC (Produkte und Dienstleistungen) Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) Denial-of-Service-Abwehr Data Leakage / Loss Prevention Datenschutz / Datensicherheit Beratung IT-Sicherheit Forensik

Key Facts

  • Baselining Section: The Baselining Section contains all IOC matches that are not part of existing baseline – i.e: logs that need to be looked at. Powerful visualisation, filtering and integrated tools like auto grouping help you analyse and categorize your matches and set a new baseline. With “Auto Cases” you can set your baseline with just one click – storing all matches in meaningful groups.
  • Integrated Case Management: The integrated case management provides an easy to use interface that lets multiple analysts collaborate on the same set of IOC matches. It is highly configurable and supports customizable workflows for multiple analyst groups. The built in two-level analyst model can easily be scaled up to support a multi-level follow the sun SOC.
  • Rich Reporting Section: The reporting section features multiple built-in reports on IOC matches and case management activity. They provide statistics on all activities and events within the cockpit, help identify lateral movement and hidden threats. Furthermore they help you improve your organisation by providing KPIs for your implemented workflow. Custom reports can be defined and scheduled.


The Analysis Cockpit is the best place to analyse your THOR Logs. It gives you full visibility on all your IOC matches, logs and sandbox reports. Furthermore it allows you to set baselines and points you to security relevant changes in your environment.

The Analysis Cockpit also features an integrated and highly configurable case management system that lets multiple analysts collaborate on the same investigation while ensuring the intended workflow progresses. Just like the ASGARD Management Center the Analysis Cockpit features a rich set of APIs that lets you connect to enterprise ticketing-systems, Sandboxes, CMDBs, SOAR Systems, threat intel platforms and literally any security device you may have in place.

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