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Header von Europe GmbH
Foren it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum A

Go Hack Yourself – Erfahrungen aus 70.000 Pentests

Die Präsentation unterstreicht die kritische Notwendigkeit von kontinuierlichen Sicherheitstests.

calendar_today Do, 24.10.2024, 10:00 - 10:15

event_available Vor Ort

place Forum, Stand 6-215






Awareness / Phishing / Fraud Cloud Security Datenschutz / DSGVO Datensicherheit / DLP / Know-how-Schutz Governance, Riskmanagement und Compliance Netzwerksicherheit / Patch-Management Trendthemen

Key Facts

  • Angreifer hacken sich nicht ein, sie loggen sich ein
  • Zugangsdaten sind der alltägliche Zero-Day
  • Sicherheitsdenken in Friedenszeiten versus Kriegszeiten


Diese Action ist Teil des Events Foren it-sa Expo


Assessing Security Effectiveness: Questions if organizations are fixing the right vulnerabilities, logging proper data, and configuring tools correctly. It emphasizes that time is a critical factor in addressing vulnerabilities, with mass exploitation often occurring within seven days.

Cognitive Biases in Cybersecurity: Highlights biases such as confirmation and anchoring bias, affecting how security teams approach potential threats.

Attack Techniques: Lists top techniques used by attackers, such as brute-forcing weak credentials, exploiting misconfigurations, and lateral movement across poorly segmented networks. It downplays the role of CVEs as the primary attack surface.

Adaptation of Attackers: Attackers use techniques beyond vulnerabilities, including exploiting misconfigurations, misusing credentials, and lateral movement across networks. Vulnerability scanners are limited in detecting these issues.

Case Studies: Includes real-world stories demonstrating common security failures

Challenges in Security Testing: The pentesting industry faces a shortage of certified testers, and the increasing complexity of infrastructures makes retesting and continuous verification difficult.

Solution Approaches: Recommendations include continuous verification of security posture, ensuring regular testing, and rapidly fixing vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them.

Automation and AI: AI lowers the barriers to entry for attackers, enabling rapid and scalable exploitation across multiple hosts.

Final Takeaway: Security must be continuously tested, and organizations should focus on reducing the exploitable attack surface through proactive measures such as improved monitoring, segmentation, and tool configuration.

The presentation underscores the need for a "wartime mindset," where organizations continuously challenge their security assumptions, verify defenses, and respond swiftly to emerging threats
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Sprache: Deutsch

Action beinhaltet Q&A: Nein


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